Wednesday, July 22, 2009


by Cara Hicks
Well, Aunt June asked me to write a report on Church Camp, so here goes nothin'!
I liked camp a lot except for the nasty orange juice, it rained, electricity went out and it was extremely hot! Under such circumstances, you would think camp was bad. It wasn't, though. I made new friends [and I forgot to get numbers]. I had fun in the rain, even though I only got to swim three times. Worship was good, even though they didn't teach me anything. The reason they didn't teach me anything is because they were basically teaching to the newly saved people, but I'm sure if they were listening, they caught the meaning. The Bible study was a theme of VBS I had already done. But other than that, it was all right.
On Thursday night, we had a scavenger hunt, except we stayed in our seats and handed the things they called out to our tribe leader and he [or she] ran up to a guy at the front and see who wins. And guess what?! I was the only person out 120 people in the kids group that had cowboy boots! Jacob, my tribe leader, knows me well enough that he didn't even ask if I had my boots on, just looked at me, grabbed them, and won that round! Of course it wasn't hard to know that I had my boots on, it's pretty much all I wear.
The pool got SWARMED with girls when swim time came. It only went down to 5ft. so it was a whole lot crowded! The water slide was awesome! The first time I went down it this year, I turned backwards [not on purpose], my mat came out from under me, so I just grabbed it and fell into the small pool at the end.
On Wednesday, we had a frantic look for a girl in my dorm named Stormy. No one had seen her since lunch, she missed supper, and didn't come to the dorm [that we know of]. We finally found her five minutes before worship. I don't have anything else left to tell you, so the end!
Cara L. Hicks