Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Potty- training

With little kids runnin' round the house,
it's always busy, even for the mouse!
Snacks to make, dogs to feed. And the little one has a need.
Potty-training is his job. Which is quite hard, with such a mob.
You ask him if he needs to pee and he says, "Nope, not me!"
Not a minute later, he's wet. You change his britches, hoping for some luck.
As soon as you're done there, here comes a flock of ducks. Gracie, Abi, and Landon to be exact.
You shush them, then here comes a wolf pack.
The little one at the head, he growls at you.
Sometimes you wish you could just drop dead!
They go back, and you sit down on the couch when you here water running.
You run back to the bathroom, the little one's calling for you.
You open the door and laugh, for he's sitting in the sink, peeing.
He smiles at you and raises his hands over his head and starts clapping, and yells

Written by,
Cara L. Hicks