Thursday, October 15, 2009

Horses Are The Best

Besides any other animal, horses rule. I'm a cowgirl and I know all about horses. I can ride a big horse, and most the time stay on, even when they buck.
Here are some tips on getting started.
Right after you catch the horse, you brush them down. Then you a saddle blanket on. Put on a saddle and do up the girth. Then you put on a bridle and find a way up.

That's how you get started on saddling up.
That's all I have to say!
See ya next time,
Grace Ella Hicks

1 comment:

  1. Good morning, Cowgirl Grace,
    Thank you! Now I know how to get started on saddling up. That is a very good essay. I hope you write lots more. (Laken and Cara, too.)
    Love you,
    Aunt June
